
January 2016


About Know Violence in Childhood:

Investing in the prevention of violence experienced by children is key to minimising the enormous human and financial costs imposed by such violence on children, their families, communities and societies, and strengthening human development.


Know Violence in Childhood is a global learning initiative aimed at leveraging available evidence from around the world to tell the story about violence in childhood – not just its forms, drivers, impacts and costs – but more importantly, what can be done to reduce violence effectively to contribute to the agenda of improving child well-being.

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Upcoming Events

World Bank Group Fragility, Conflict and Violence Forum, Washington, DC, USA, 1-3 March, 2016

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High-level Meeting on Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals relating to Violence against Children in South Asia, 14-15 March, 2016

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Our Partners

University of Delaware
Public Health Foundation of India

Our Key Supporters

Bernad Van Leer
Oak Foundation
Ikea Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Ramya Subrahmanian
Executive Director

From the ED's Desk:

We welcome 2016 with a quick look at some highlights of 2015 and our plans in this year!

As a global initiative, it has been important for us to reach out to partners across the world and learn from the diversity of experience and views on strategies that can end violence against all children.

We organised two expert meetings, for Latin America in Brazil in July 2015, and for Central Asia in Kazakhstan in September 2015.

In Brazil, we collaborated with the Brazilian Forum for Public Safety and the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, focusing on prevention of violence against children including homicides in the community and in public spaces.

In Central Asia, we partnered with the regional office of Penal Reform International; the roundtable focussed on child rights and prevention, abolition of violence against children in detention, and discussed the need for institutional reform.

The two events were attended by national and regional authorities, practitioners and academics, civil society representatives, child rights monitoring bodies, among others.

In 2016, we have three more regional roundtables planned: in South Asia, in East Asia and in Africa.

Know Violence in Childhood and the World Bank Group, in collaboration with the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, and UNICEF will be hosting a session at this year's "Fragility, Conflict and Violence Forum" in Washington, DC. The session will take place on Thursday, 3 March from 11:30 to 12:30. Entitled Childhood Violence, Fragile Societies: the case for investing in violence prevention, the session will provide an opportunity to address fragility at its roots by focusing on the inter-linkages between childhood violence, fragility, and the feasibility of a 'preventive' approach to ending chronic violence.

2016 will also see the publication of our flagship report on the prevention of violence in childhood, and a host of discussions, papers, blogs related to this report. We look forward to keeping you updated and engaged as our work unfolds this year.

In October 2015, Learning Group 1 Co-Chair, Charlotte Watts was appointed as Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department for International Development (DFID). Likewise, Learning Group 3 Co-Chair, Nancy Guerra has been named Dean of the School of Social Ecology at the University of California, Irvine, effective 1 June, 2016.

In addition, the Know Violence Team has invited an illustrious group of researchers and social scientists on childhood violence to be part of our 'Global Associates' network to expand outreach to our audiences, and support our efforts to disseminate our work and lead the dialogue across six regions, viz., Central Asia, Latin America, South Asia, MENA, Europe, and North America.

In December 2015, Jose Julio Divino joined the Executive Team to coordinate our advocacy efforts. He is being hosted by the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children in New York.

We have a regular blog series where we invite expert practitioners to contribute articles on "childhood violence" prevention.

Intersections between violence against children and violence against women: Expert meeting

Alessandra Guedes and Manuela Colombini*

Sustainable Development Goals: What they mean for India's children

Ramya Subrahmanian*

Social media best practice: A case study of #EndViolence campaign

Fabio Venturini and Sudeshna Mukherjee*

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